League of Legends (LoL) is a 2009 multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. There are many servers about LOL. The most popular server is Korean for skills and items updated faster than other servers. The point is there are many experienced players. As I know, many players who are living in EU, NA and SEA are want to play LOL KR server. But they don't know how to register.
Register League Of Legend Korean Account

You can register adult account here https://signup.leagueoflegends.co.kr/Member/join03Adult.php. But require to register with Korean ipin or phone number. If not, you can't register LOL Korean account successfully. There are two ways you can get LOL Korean account. One is ask for help from your Korean friends. Another is Buy LOL KR account or LOL riot points/RP from agent.

Play League Of Legend Korean Server
Players can download LOL KR client from http://www.leagueoflegends.co.kr/?m=download. You also can see guidance about how to install LOL KR client on the download page. Please read it carefully. Please take note if you have installed other servers' LOL client like NA, EU, SEA... don't place KR client in the same folder of other servers' client.
After installed, then you can login your account on client. Some guys will ask whether it will block foreign IP address, the answer is no. LOL KR don't block other countries IP address. If you counter high ping during playing LOL KR. Maybe connect to Korea VPN can help you. Because many factors are affecting ping, I can't promise VPN will 100% work for you.
League Ip Address
In Rocket League online gameplay, players can choose from different regional servers to find matches in. Choosing the right region will improve connection speed and ping. Selecting the 'Recommended' option will automatically find the closest region and generally the one with the best connectivity.1 The regions you can choose from are: Server locations on a map Note: These locations are not. Renew your IP address. Open the command prompt with Windows Logo + R then type in cmd. Type “ipconfig /release” in the newly opened window to refresh your IP. If you are using a laptop, try. The League of Legends Ping Checker provides an order of magnitude estimation of your in-game ping. Because the pings are sent via http vs traditional command console methods, the results will be a bit off. It’s useful to be used to see if you’ll be lagging in game, as opposed to finding your exact ping. How To Enable Rocket League Port Forwarding. Now we are ready to actually forward the ports. This can be done from your router’s settings, but you are going to need some extra information first. Before we start, find and make a note of the following: Your router’s IP address; The IP address of your PC or console; The ports that Rocket.
Let's start to play LOL KR server now!

Test My Ping
Just writing this down so I don’t lose it. I haven’t verified these. But most of the old lists I’ve seen are no longer valid since Riot started doing its own peering.

- NA – ping
- EUW – ping
- EUNE – ping
- OCE – ping
- LAN – ping
Source is this Reddit discussion about yet another ping checker. I wish Riot would build a small network diagnostic into the client, before a game starts. Many of these third party tools don’t measure round trip time correctly and none that I’ve seen measure packet loss.
Also I was curious so I just did an mtr to the NA address. Average response to the end is 92ms, which is about the same number the league reports as ping. Standard deviation is 12ms, best/worst is 73/140. That’s with ICMP probes, I don’t get responses from UDP probes.