Download × Select Movie Quality BluRay. Blue Is the Warmest Color (2013) Trailer. Blue Is the Warmest Color online download, Blue Is the Warmest Color stream. Most people.critics and reviewers here are getting way WAY!!! Ahead of themselves when rating this film. 8.1 now hold on just a minute and be fair. This film is of course in my own personal opinion NOT.NOT! I’m not saying it’s a bad story at all. Feb 14, 2014 - free download Blue Is the Warmest Color (2013) BluRay 720p x264. Ultimately, Blue Is the Warmest Color is a sad story about loss and heartbreak, but while Emma and Clementine's love lasts, it's exhilarating and sustaining.' 'A beautiful, moving graphic novel.' -Wall Street Journal 'Delicate linework conveys wordless longing in this graphic novel about a lesbian relationship.' Product Details. How to add Blue Is the Warmest Color YIFY Subtitles to your movie Before adding subtitle files to any movie, make sure to add the exact SRT file for your desired movie format is download from the right source.
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Adele’s life is changed when she meets Emma, a young woman with blue hair, who will allow her to discover desire, to assert herself as a woman and as an adult. In front of others, Adele grows, seeks herself, loses herself, finds herself.

Genres: Drama, Romance
Director: Abdellatif Kechiche
Actors: Léa Seydoux, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Salim Kechiouche
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Most people..critics and reviewers here are getting way WAY!!! ahead of themselves when rating this film. 8.1… now hold on just a minute and be fair. This film is of course in my own personal opinion NOT..NOT! an 8.1 film. I’m not saying it’s a bad story at all. I am however going to point out that this is nothing unlike what we’ve seen before.

The story suffers from a severe chronic case of epic streamlinization. I’s the same old story about a young girl who has trouble finding out who she is… A teenage girl and her troubles… if we haven’t heard that before. The story unfolds as she finds out more about her sexuality which is where I’m getting really annoyed because as it appears that’s most likely what people are basing their insanely high rating on! TIMELINE PEOPLE!! Through out the story she’s basically partying, dining, walking around, having sex, partying, having sex, more partying, walking around, spilling her guts, opening up, more partying, having sex, and…hmmm…yea…thats pretty much it. Same old story ALL OVER AGAIN but this time we have soft-core porn implemented I KID YOU NOT! Being able to take your clothes off DOES NOT FREAKING MAKE YOU A GOOD ACTOR !! QUITE THE CONTRARY IF YOU FEEL YOU HAVE TO TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF IT TYPICALLY MEANS THAT YOU HAVE NOTHING WORTHWHILE TO SAY! so…let the body do all the talking…Yea…. This director is an idiot and the screenplay writer should be sued for blatantly copying and creating another damn film about youth and identity.

Its getting so freaking old and the considering the fact that these scenes of intimacy….actually scratch that…these soft-core porn scenes are the only thing that distinguishes the film from the MILLION OTHERS HAVING PRACTICALLY THE EXACT SAME STORY what really keeps this film alive is magnified as hell!
I ‚believe‘ it was Emilia Clarke from Games of Thrones that confronted the directors and said that she wanted to be known for her acting and not her breasts. Now that is a REAL ACTRESS!!! THAT IS A REAL FREAKING ACTRESS RIGHT THERE! Let the story be driven by psychological aspects, conflicts and so on etc. Good acting and dedication to the role you’re playing like Angelina Jolie… she is without question a prime example of what it means to embed yourself within or becoming one with the character you’ve been tasked to portray.
God almighty! 8.1..absolutely not!! Hell No! That is so dishonest and utterly laughable actually. This film superseding the likes of Avatar… Bram Stokers Dracula… Lord of the rings films and almost the Hunger Games 2 with the fantastic Jennifer Lawrence! To even remotely argue or suggest this COPY PASTE COOKKIE CUTTER TEENAGE „whiny wimping sounds“ „BOOHOOO I Don’t KNOW WHO I AM“ FILM TO BE AS GREAT AS THOSE FILMS IS ABSOLUTELY FREAKING PREPOSTEROUS!!
Had this gotten a fair 6 or so. More or less… Had that been the case I couldn’t case less. Hell I can even agree on that. But the fact that it got a 8.1…now that makes me really really angry! To dare compare this to some of the finest and most awesome films ever made is simply unacceptable and utterly ridiculous!
This film is without all this sexual content WHICH DOES NOT…NOT! bring out the ‚professional‘ side of these ‚actors‘ More like amateur porn stars actually.
This film is a 4 out of 10. I’m basing my rating not only on the content which is more like a 5 – 6 but also the circumstances of its creation. The fact that its absolutely nothing new and far too much time has been put into the sexual aspect. Dialog has been superseded ENORMOUSLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! I would’ve ranked it higher but honestly..the story is old news. The structure is so freaking identical so almost every single other teen movie. There are moments in the movie that are utterly superfluous such as several party moments which is also where this rather annoying music plays non-stop. It is a 173 minute long copy pasted drama combined with soft-core porn which is practically the only thing that keeps it alive. Everybody is just waiting with utter anticipation for the next girl to take her cloths off and let the girl on girl action commence. Yea….that pretty much sums it up aside from the whining about identity and relationship quarrels. Character development is a joke as well because this ‚director‘ has put like zero innovation into making our lead characters credible! There is so much more to say but honestly I’m done.
Conclusion here is that if you wanna watch another teenage drama that turns into your average adult quarrelsome love story combined with a rather extensive touch of nudity and intimacy then this is the the film for you. If not then I strongly suggest you save your money and watch something else. There is NOTHING ground breaking about this film whatsoever. It’s the same old, streamlined as hell, dramatic, way longer than it deserves to be, drama/love story and the director and the screenplay knew that wasn’t gonna cut it so what did they do… They hired ‚actors‘ with ‚experience in certain fields of expertise‘ most likely. How else could they keep this clonish piece of garbage alive. How ladies and gentlemen? Like your average salesman would say: Sex sells! SEX SELLS!
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Rating: 7.8/10
Director: Abdellatif Kechiche
Writers: Abdellatif Kechiche (scenario, adaptation and dialogue), Ghalia Lacroix (scenario, adaptation and dialogue)
Stars: Léa Seydoux, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Salim Kechiouche
Runtime: 3h
Genre: Drama, Romance
Released: 9 October 2013
Summary: On the verge of adulthood, Adèle, a wide-eyed and reserved 15-year-old schoolgirl, can only imagine the delicate touch, the odd, yet lingeringly fervid feeling of desire and the vehement outburst of emotions of her first teenage love. Indifferent to the fumbled sexual experience with a handsome classmate, instead, Adèle is infatuated with the alluring and intriguingly mysterious blue-haired older girl she encounters in the street. Inevitably, the bohemian stranger, Emma, will creep up in Adèle’s dreams, haunting her late-night deep and untamed fantasies, however, it’s not long before a youthful friendship will yield to an arduous, yet ardent romance between the innocent and audacious lovers. But growing up can be hard, and just like life, love can hurt.
Adèle is a high school student who is beginning to explore herself as a woman. She dates men but finds no satisfaction with them sexually, and is rejected by a female friend who she does desire. She dreams of something more. She meets Emma who is a free spirited girl whom Adèle’s friends reject due to her sexuality, and by association most begin to reject Adèle. Her relationship with Emma grows into more than just friends as she is the only person with whom she can express herself openly. Together, Adèle and Emma explore social acceptance, sexuality, and the emotional spectrum of their maturing relationship.
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