The Restarts A Sickness Of The Mind

The Restarts are an English street punk band based in London. The Restarts were formed in 1995 in London with Darragh O'Neill on drums, Kieran Plunkett from Armed and Hammered on bass guitar, and Mik Useless on the guitar. They played many shows in the UK as a trio until Useless left, at which point Alan Campbell joined the band.

The Restart A Sickness Of The Mind Rar

Punk Rock Road Trips Presents: The Restarts (UK)
The Restarts are a tight three piece, multi-genre punk outfit based in East London. Formed in 1995 they play thrashy, anarcho, power chord punk laced with Ska breaks and pogo inducing basslines, earning them a loyal following of punk lovers of all ages. The Restarts have been hammering their way through the squats of Europe and DIY house shows across North America with reckless abandon.
The Restarts lend amplification to unheard voices, playing benefit gigs for various social causes, keeping the DIY spirit of punk rock alive and well. Their years of hard graft is recognised by them being requested to play along side such heavy weights as Steve Ignorant (CRASS), Jello Biafra, M.D.C, The Casualties, Star F#cking Hipsters and The Subhumans.
Their 6th studio album “A Sickness of the Mind” released in 2013, managed to sell out the vinyl pressing in 2 short months. It has been widely cited as their best release to date!
2017 now sees them on their first touring venture to Australia and New Zealand.
  • A Sickness of the Mind The Restarts Alternative 2013 Preview SONG TIME Contaminate the World.
  • This game has NEVER (until now at least) been designed with workshop in mind, nor official mods support. If you needed all those restarts, blame the mods, not the base vanilla game. The game keeps getting updates, and updates tipically break mods, but the main save in vanilla game is never broken, only your saves with mods.
  • The Restarts: Manchester Saturday 14th June - live review.

The Restarts A Sickness Of The Mind
