The ancient Indian epic Ramayana describes the birth and journey of Lord Rama and Goddess Sita. It also depicts the history of Tretayug teaching duties of relationships. By tradition, it is known as Adi Kavya where adi means original or first and Kavya means poem.
1. Who had composed the original Ramayana?
A. Rishi Valmiki
B. Tulsi Das
C. Sant Ek Nath
D. Anhinanda
Ans. A
Explanation: The traditional Ramayana was composed by Rishi Valmiki in Sanskrit.
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2. Lakshmana is considered to be the incarnation of whom?
A. Lord Vishnu
B. Lord Shiva
C. Lord Brahma
D. Sheshnag
Ans. D
Explanation: As we know that Lord Rama is considered to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu and Lakshamana the incarnation of Sheshnag.
3. Which of the following statement is/are true for Gayatri Mantra?
A. Gayatri Mantra was formed from the first letter that comes from after every 1000 verses of Ramayana.
B. The Gayatri Mantra consists of 20 letters.
C. The Gayatri Mantra was first mentioned in Rigveda.
D. Only A and C are correct
Ans. D
Explanation: The Valmiki Ramayan has 24,000 verses. The first letter that comes after every 1000 verses of the Ramayana forms the Gayatri Mantra. This mantra is the essence of this sacred epic. The Gayatri Mantra was first mentioned in the Rigveda.
4. What was the name of the forest where Lord Rama, Lakshmana and Goddess Sita stayed during exile?
A. Aranya
B. Aranyak
C. Dandakaranya
D. Karanya
Ans. C
Explanation: In Dandakaranya, Lord Rama, Goddess Sita and Lakshmana spent their exile.
5. Ravana was a devotee of who among the following God?
A. Vishnu
B. Brahma
C. Shiva
D. None of the above
Ans. C
Explanation: Ravana was a demon and king of Lanka. He was a devotee of Shiva.
6. What was the name of Lord Rama's father?
A. Shalishuka
B. Nahapana
C. Rajadhiraj
D. Dasaratha
Ans. D
Explanation: Dasaratha was the father of Lord Rama. He was the king of Ayodhya and had three wives namely Kaushalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi.
7. Who has written Bhavartha Ramayana?
A. Madhava Kandali
B. Eknath
C. Krittibas
D. Buddha Reddy
Ans. B
Explanation: Bhavartha Ramayana was written by Eknath in Marathi in around 16th century.
8. Which of the following are the parts of Ramcharitmanas?
A. Bal Kanda
B. Aranya Kanda
C. Kiskindha Kanda
D. All the above are correct
Ans. D
Explanation: The Seven part of Ramcharitmanas are Bal Kanda, Ayodhya Kanda, Aranya Kanda, Kiskindha Kanda, Sundar Kanda, Lanka Kanda and Uttar Kanda.
9. What was the name of a bow that was used by Lord Rama in Goddess Sita swayamvar to marry her?
A. Pinaka
B. Pindaka
C. Anandaka
D. Rulapand
Ans. A
Explanation: Lord Rama used Lord Shiva's bow in swayamvar of Sita to marry her. The name of the bow was Pinak.
10. Which of the following is/are the versions of the Ramayana that have emerged outside India?
A. Cambodia - Reamker
B. Thailand - Ramakien
C. Burma (Mayanmar) - Yama Zatdaw
D. All the above are correct
Ans. D
Explanation: In the options are mentioned the versions of Ramayana with countries that have emerged outside India.These are some interesting questions and answers based on the Ancient Indian epic Ramayana with an explanation.
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ēhi nāmā.
sunata śravana pāia biśrāmā..
(Baalkand Do. 34)
One derives solace by hearing its very name, Ramacaritamanasa (the Manasa lake of Sri Rama's exploits)
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Jai Siya Ram