Cause you are using the wrong version, read carefuly, it says flans mod for 4.10.0 not 4.8.0, update packs aswell matching with the current version. Now continue on to the next section to install Flan's Mod. (+) I have already installed forge. Open your Minecraft Launcher. Select your modded profile. Click on 'Edit Profile'. Copy the 'Game Directory' and navigate to it in your computer's file browser. Now open the 'mods' folder. Download the latest version of Flan's Mod (above). Especially for lovers of minecraft mods on military issues. Everyone's favorite flans mod you can install it on a PC and the version of MCPE. Download flans mod to mc, you can very quickly and easily.
Flan’s Mod Megacorp Weapons Pack Mod 1.12.2 is designed to offer a content pack for Flan’s Mod on Minecraft 1.12.2. If you are using or intend to use Flan’s Mod on Minecraft 1.12.2, you should not miss the mod for any reason. Get ready to discover the mod deeply through the useful information the article gives below.
Mentioned a little bit about the Flan’s mod, it is a large mod that focuses on customizable guns, weapons, as well as armor. It is considered to be the ultimate war and mechanical pack. Especially it functions fine for multiplayer mode.
And now we will introduce this mod which is a useful content pack for Flan’s mod. Its main function is to add many weapons from Ratchet and Clank 2 to the mod as well as provide several vehicles. It is worth noting that the mod is unfinished yet and still in development. However, it has made enough progress for the gun to work but they still need recipes.
If you confuse about how to pilot the Insomniac Museum sub, essentially it is a helicopter that is impossible to gain altitude. As a result, all you need to do is to point its nose down and it will go forwards, of when you point the nose up it will go backward. In case you lean it right, it will go right, and lean it left, it will go left.

Don’t hesitate anymore to download Flan’s Mod Megacorp Weapons PackMod for free here and enjoy it right now.

How to install Flan’s Mod Megacorp Weapons Pack Mod

Flan's Mod 1.12.2
- You have already installed Minecraft Forge.
- Locate the Minecraft application folder.
- On windows open Run from the start menu > type %appdata% > click Run.
- On mac open finder, hold down ALT > click Go then Library in the top menu bar.
- Open the folder Application Support > look for Minecraft.
- Place the mod you have just Flan’s Mod Megacorp Weapons Pack Mod downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
- When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the Flan’s Mod Megacorp Weapons Pack Mod is installed.
How To Install Flans Mod On Kindle Fire
Flan’s Mod Megacorp Weapons Pack Mod Download Links
How To Get Flans Mod