Daddy-O TNT Tri-Gain Mod!
I knew when I tried it I had to offer it as an option on my Daddy-O Mod. This Tri-Gain Mod will add a ton of tonal options to an already great sounding Daddy-O Mod.
DOWNLOAD: GOOD FOR STORYTELLING! This sugardate event mod is perfect for those sims who don. LFS MODS, lfs mods, lfs mod,LFS MOD Posts. XR - Pontiac Firebird 68.
- Where did I get it from? I got it from my daddy! Shitposting aside, these wings are from the E11 Raid. They come in both traditional diffuse & golden/colorset editable. Choose which work best for you and enjoy! Warning - Mod Testing tools are down right now. Due to this I am unable to test for males.
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- DadMods - YouTube Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
With this switch we will toggle between two 1N4002 Diodes and two 3mm Red LEDs. So you get the smooth, creamy saturation of the 1N4002 Diodes and a Volume Boost that the LEDs will give the circuit.
With the switch in the middle position all diodes are bypassed which will give you a huge volume boost and will allow you to get a much cleaner gain. You'll find that the LEDs will add volume, bass, a very smooth gain plus a ton of thick sustain.
Hear For Yourself! (.mp3)
This mp3 was recorded on a Strat with a DiMarzio PAF Pro at the bridge and two DiMarzio Virtual Vintage pups at the neck and middle positions. The amp was a stock 2000 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe and the mic was a SM57.
IMPORTANT - Danelectro has changed the circuit of the Daddy-O. They have switched to using smd components. Please note that my mods will NOT work with this new design and I will not be offering a mod for it. The tiny smd components are next to impossible to mod or replace. If you are buying a mod for your Daddy-O open your pedal up and make sure it looks like this. If it does my mods will work with your pedal
Daddy O Mods

Daddy Mod Will