Maltego Trial

Maltego Bitcoin tracing has been praised and criticized. Critics noted its ingest metal black-market transactions, the large amount of electricity used by miners, price volatility, and thefts from exchanges. Whatever economists, including several altruist laureates, have characterized it AS a speculative eruct. Maltego costs $650 and the minimum Splunk license is $5,000. If that's too steep for you the following will work: Maltego Community Edition is free. You get very limited access to the Maltego community transform server and you have to solve a captcha every three days in order to continue using the system. The transforms I publish use either. The Maltego application is a visual link analysis tool that, out of the box, comes with open source intelligence (OSINT) plugins called Transforms. The tool offers real time data mining and information gathering, as well as the representation of this information on a node-based graph, making patterns and multiple order connections between said.

Maltego Desktop Client

The Maltego Desktop Client is the visual interface in which all gathered information is linked and combined. It is a Java application that runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Maltego allows users to create graphs step-by-step in an intuitive point-and-click logic.​ There are currently 5 editions of the Maltego Client:
Maltego One – The latest commercial edition included by default in our Pro and Enterprise plans.
Maltego CE – Community edition for non-commercial use available for free after a quick online registration. It ships with Kali Linux out-the-box.​
CaseFile – Free version for commercial use to visualize connections in offline data and does not require the use of Transforms.
Maltego Classic – Commercial version returning 10,000 results per Transform, with access to all functionalities of Maltego, OSINT Transforms and commercial hub partners.
Maltego XL – Commercial version for large investigations to view up to 1,000,000 pieces of information​.

Data Integration

Maltego Trial Software

In the integrated Transform Hub you can choose from:
Free, public (OSINT) Transforms with every version of Maltego​
Free and commercial data from more than 30 hub partners​
Your own data via local imports or develop your own Transforms to mine internal data​
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Deployment & Infrastructure​

CTAS (Commercial Transform Application Server) – Our standard Transforms hosted within your organization​
iTDS (Internal Transform Distribution Server) – Develop Transforms to access your own data sources and distribute them to your teams​
Comms (Communications) Server – Collaborate with fellow investigators in real-time with shared graphs​

Maltego Training

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Support & Services

Every Maltego user has free access to our documentation and support. In addition, we offer a variety of paid services to our customers:
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Learning & Training

Novice investigator or leader of an analyst team, all Maltego users and customers benefit from a range of self-paced learning and personalized training:
On-demand courses
In-person training (on-premise)

Maltego Trials

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